Cheat Ninja Saga (NS) TP Hack (Talent Point) | Blognya Cheat | Gandjarexe

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Cheat Ninja Saga (NS) TP Hack (Talent Point)

Cheat Ninja Saga (NS) TP Hack (Talent Point) Update 01 February 2011
Now I will discuss the tp hack  cheat ninja saga.  In my day we only can get 30 TP, well if you use this cheat can get an additional 10 TP.  Although only 10 TP quite right, so
one day we can get 40 TP.  Remember the 40 TP per day !!!!!!!!!  You
can just go to a Grade C, continued to live run mission.  A mission can
only 1 time!  (Delay of about 5 seconds!) And do not run the same
mission, will be an error!  It's not just cheat TP, but also includes
instant goldan mission cheat!  we'll wait for the Cheat Ninja Saga NS TP
Hack [Talent Point] 02,022,011.


    1.  Fiddler here
    2.  SWF Files


    1.  Download the first fiddler
    2.  Then Install Fiddler
    3.  Just run the Fiddler
    4.  Click Tab autoresponder (which its icon green lightning)
    5.  Check the "Enable automatic responses" and also "Permit passthrough for unmatched requests"
    6.  Drop it. SWF file that you downloaded earlier to the column autoresponder
    7.  Go to Ninja Saga
    8.  After that clean the caches
    9.  Just select the character who would you play

How to Clear cache:

     * For Mozilla Firefox: Tools -> Options -> Advanced -> Choose Network Tab -> Clear Now -> Click OK
     * For Google Chrome: Select the icon in the upper right corner  (next to the stars) -> Options -> Under the Hood -> Clear  Browsing Data -> Empty the cache -> Clear Browsing Data

Credit To: Palego

6 Responses to "Cheat Ninja Saga (NS) TP Hack (Talent Point)"

  1. kok lgsung lost connection?
    yg update mana nih?

  2. Don't forget visit too :
    Cheat Recruit NPC Lv 150 (Kakashi & Yamato) Free.
    Let's Go Always Only Visit
    Go.. go.. go..!!

  3. Don't forget visit too :
    Cheat Boss Tailed Beast (None Nine Tail) 100% Work
    Let's Go Always Only Visit
    Go.. go.. go..!!

  4. Don't forget visit too :
    Cheat Boss Tailed Beast (None Nine Tail) 100% Work
    Let's Go Always Only Visit
    Go.. go.. go..!!

  5. di tunggu kunjungan baliknya
