Karena Banyak peminat WH Name jadi nih Q share Kembali,,,
No Show Off/pakai berlebihan
karena di lengkapi anti program ilegal

Downloads Cheat :
Downloads Password :
Features :
[-]Wallhack name (New Hot) , gak buta lagi
[-]Auto HS 20% | Hiden keys
[-]Cheat Hit Damage | Dmg Just ALL SG
[-]Anti program ilegal Auto ON
Keys Hack:
-Auto On To WH ,Anti PI Auto)& DMG Hit
-Hiden key Auto HS 20% | Jangan terpengaruh Keys Di injector
Working ALl Windows
Tested WIndows 7 = 2 Jam No BT/DC/out Sndiri
Tested Windows Xp 2 = 1 ¼ jam lebih work
Tested Windows Xp 3 = baru 1 jam ++
Cara Penggunaan Cheat Mudah ,
->Usahakan Ada shourtcut PB launcher Di Destop Anda)
1.Buka CHeat
2.Auto Effect Open PB Launcher
3.Start PB
4.Tekan Inject Cheat , keluar notice ,tekan okok saja
6.Happy cheating
Created : AndrieDK
Features :
[-]Wallhack name (New Hot) , gak buta lagi
[-]Auto HS 20% | Hiden keys
[-]Cheat Hit Damage | Dmg Just ALL SG
[-]Anti program ilegal Auto ON
Keys Hack:
-Auto On To WH ,Anti PI Auto)& DMG Hit
-Hiden key Auto HS 20% | Jangan terpengaruh Keys Di injector
Working ALl Windows
Tested WIndows 7 = 2 Jam No BT/DC/out Sndiri
Tested Windows Xp 2 = 1 ¼ jam lebih work
Tested Windows Xp 3 = baru 1 jam ++
Cara Penggunaan Cheat Mudah ,
->Usahakan Ada shourtcut PB launcher Di Destop Anda)
1.Buka CHeat
2.Auto Effect Open PB Launcher
3.Start PB
4.Tekan Inject Cheat , keluar notice ,tekan okok saja
6.Happy cheating
Created : AndrieDK
0 Response to "Cheat Point Blank 16 Januari 2012 ALL Windows Just new Wallhack 2012 + Hit Damage(SG Super) + Auto HS 20% Updates 16 - 17 Jan 2012"
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